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/ (Jo)e + (Vic)toria /
Out of the gate, I decided to name my business after my children. After all, they are my inspiration, the driving force and the reason for my existence. So what better way to honor them. My first born, Joseph John Jr. and Victoria Lynn, my forever to be, Baby Girl. 


My hands on experience in this industry started out in the late 70's. First as a screen cleaner for a production shop manufacturing screened photo frames and lithograph art and working my way up through all the job titles and positions, screen stretcher, reclaiming department, art department, screen printer,  to screen department manager. From this company, I took my knowledge and experience and moved to another print management position for a company that produced and printed "bar mirrors" and decorative flat glass.  My next position as print manager was for a company that printed vinyl binders and slip cases for books and publishing houses. My big break came in the early 80's from a sales representative for a major ink company who knew me from my previous positions and she was looking for someone to take her position as a technical representative as she was about to move on and out of the industry. 


Today, with some 40+ years of hands on industry experience, I like to think JoVic Industries Inc., brings more than just products and supplies to the table. I pride myself in building long-time relationships and we are not after the "quick sale" just to make a buck. Many of my customers go back 30+ years and at least a couple of previous employers. Prior to setting out on my own, I worked a combined 32 years as a technical representative in the field and across the US for two of the industries largest and well known ink manufacturers. During these years, I built many solid relationships with printers, most of which continue to grow today.

I consider our clients, large, small or anything in between, my business partners and every sale an opportunity to grow our businesses together.

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